The Big Picnic 2019

Families come in all shapes and sizes, and there are a variety of ways to connect with the life of the Minster. We would love to see you.


The 9.45 a.m. service is a Sung Eucharist with activities for younger children and opportunity for older children to be involved in the choir or as servers.

The Feast at 11.15 a.m. is an all-age interactive service. It is not aimed solely at families with younger children, but they are very welcome.. We start together, with singing and a story from the Bible, before breaking in to three options – often a craft or workshop activity, a discussion, and a quiet meditation space, all open to any age – coming together again to share what we have done.  A number of our Iranian community come to Feast and share in Farsi Bible Study. This is often a multi-national gathering with music from around the world. Every two weeks food follows Feast.