We are delighted that you are considering getting married at Sunderland Minster!

If you would like to be married here, you would be welcome to come along to a Sunday service and afterwards speak to one of the clergy team. Alternatively you can make an initial enquiry through our church office.

Anyone with a “qualifying connection” to Sunderland Minster can get married here.

You qualify if either you or your partner:

  • has at any time in your life lived in the Minster parish for a period of at least 6 months, or
  • if one of you was baptised (christened) at the Minster, or
  • if one of you was confirmed at the Minster, or
  • if one of you has at any time worshipped regularly at the Minster for a period of at least 6 months

You also qualify if one of your parents

  • has lived in the Minster parish for a period of at least 6 months, at any time since you were born, or
  • has at any time, worshipped regularly at the Minster for a period of at least 6 months

and finally, you also qualify if one of your parents or grandparents

  • was married in Sunderland Minster

For historic reasons, Sunderland Minster has a very tiny parish now, but in the past, it was large, covering much of Bishopwearmouth and Hendon – so if you’re not sure if you or your parents lived in the parish, do ask!

If none of these qualifications applies to you, and you still wish to be married at the Minster, you and/or your partner will need to start worshipping at the Minster at least once a month for at least six months in the run-up to the date of your wedding.

The best way forward is to come and speak with us, or email admin@sunderlandminster.org

Click this link to go to the Church of England Wedding site