Sunderland Minster needs your financial help to continue its work at the heart of our city.

You can give a one-off donation, or set up a regular gift by clicking on this link to go to the Minster Giving page , or using the QR code below:

Sunderland Minster is an architectural treasure which has been a place of Christian worship and pilgrimage for hundreds of years. The Minster today is at the heart of a vibrant community. Welcoming visitors each year, we continue to bring people together; connecting them to their faith, their history and each other.

Why the community needs us
We provide a safe, welcoming environment for all our visitors who come to be inspired, celebrate, remember, discover, pray and just simply be. As we have opened our doors after the Covid closures that affected us all, we are continuing to deliver some of the resources that we offered during lockdown which proved so helpful to our community, including online educational resources and pastoral support.

Our impact on the community
We want to continue to connect people to each other, helping them to grow stronger and more resilient through shared experiences, common beliefs and values, and a sense of shared history. This is perhaps more important now than ever, as we all emerge from lockdown and begin returning to normality. By making a donation, you can help us to continue to stand by our communities and provide inspiration for life’s journey. 

Thank you for your support. Please know that we are always with you.